OH NO! Not Him


I have been watching with much trepidation the US elections. It seems these start two years in advance at the cost of billions of dollars and much agitation.

Never in my whole life, since I was a small child in the 60’s have I seen this much bloodshed and killing since the beginning of the civil rights movement. I personally hold one person responsible for the rise in killing that seems to have risen in the last year in the US.  Not just in the US but  this insanity is a disease and it is spreading across the globe. I have never seen in any election anyone promote as much violence and means as Donald J. Trump does. What I can’t figure out is why anyone would want this ignorant raging imbecile to run their country.

Many say they don’t like or trust Hillary Clinton. Yes, she is rather uppity and aloof which makes people not like or trust someone who is that way. When it comes to running a country you need to think of who will be the best out of the meager pickings you have. You need to look at their record. So you think Hillary lies and is secretive. Well I bet you lie and are secretive but does that make you real bad?  Then there is the knee-jerk people who say she will take away our second amendment rights. Well I can bet 99% have never read the second amendment which says:”A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”  So of all of you people who own 1 or 1000 guns which of you are a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of the free state.  I bet not one of you.

Now government is completely different from running a business. Government is not business and can’t be run as such. Not only that but why would you want a man who has run every business he has ever had into the ground and other Peoples businesses into the ground at the same time. Donald Trump has five bankruptcies under his belt which means all the people and contractors for each of the bankruptcies never got paid. He has a habit of not paying people. He has 5,500 lawsuits against him. Why would you want someone like that. He has instigated violence at his rallies, he is a narcissist, misogynist, Islamaphobe, homophobe. He is the worst that the US could elect if he was to be elected. It would not only damage the USA but the rest of the world along with it.

Donald Trump has done many illegal things since starting to run for President, I truly don’t know why he has not been charged. He sent e-mails to foreign politicians begging for money, he had his wife plagiarize Michelle Obama’s  speech, he used music without permission, he has promoted violence and hatred against anyone not agreeing with him.  He is one of the most despicable people to ever run for office. I want to know why anyone would want this person for President. He has no knowledge of foreign affairs, has asked Russia to hack Hillary’s e-mails, he should be charged with hate crimes.

If he is elected the USA will go back 300 hundred years. He is not smart but he keeps trying to tell everyone he is. Smart people don’t have to tell you how smart they are. He has had three women declare he raped them one his ex-wife Ivanna and one was a thirteen year old girl. He does disgusting sexual displays to his daughter Ivanka and also declares he would be going out with her if she was not his daughter because of her gorgeous hot body. He is a pervert amongst his other short comings. He is also so out of touch he would disperse nuclear weaponry which would destroy the earth. Nuclear weapons just don’t destroy one area but because of wind and other factors it spreads and then with nuclear winter nothing grows, or survives.

We have a huge issue with so many animals that are endangered and critically endangered but he would not stop that. He believes his ugly sons should be allowed to kill all or any animals endangered or not, because they like doing that.

I am believing the only one with brains in that family is Ivanka.Her brothers and father are some of the biggest idiots in the world. You may not love Hillary but she will never do the damage he will do. You thought Bush was bad he is a pansy compared to what Donald Trump will do If you elect him, Obama will be the last President you have because Trump will be a dictator and he will destroy the earth and all that is in it in a couple of years. The USA will immediately be bombed by anyone who hates them and there will immediately be a civil war in the USA.  People need to think and not close their eyes to the criminal that Trump is. He will not be good for anyone or anything. Remember the only person he will do anything for is himself.

He said he loved children but wanted no part in raising them. Well now you also know what kind of father he wasn’t. He despises immigrants but certainly likes the ones he can marry. He is an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered brat.

Hillary may not be what you like or are hoping for but she is the best chance you have at this time. You may not trust her but can you trust a man who scams people, makes fun of disabled people, hates everyone who is not him and tries fondling his own daughter in public. Think seriously before you vote in November.







I need to write this because it is important. Not just important to me but to the world.

Last night the Academy of Motion Pictures awarded best picture to “Spotlight”. This film  is about  pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church. This is nothing new we have been hearing about it for years. The issue is no one has brought it to the forefront before in a movie. I am proud of them for doing this.

So far there has been no justice  for any and all of these victims. The Catholic Church just has not ruined their lives but the lives of those around them. Rape does not just disappear after it has happened. It is nothing but fun and control to the perpetrator, for the victims that live, it is a lifelong nightmare. Some of the victims can’t take the fear, embarrassment, nightmares, ridicule and stigma attached to a rape. It doesn’t matter if they are female or male. Whether they were on a date;in their home, in a church, school, hospital, work, walking down  the street or on a bus. Rape is rape it is not  something to be ignored. It doesn’t matter if it is the rape of the man, woman or child, it is never to be laughed at, ignored,or forgotten.

That is what has happened so far with all of these rapes by the Catholic Church. They have been pushed under the carpet and ignored because it is the worlds richest church. How can laws be ignored to allow these monsters to get away with this. The Vatican sits and protects them, they donate money to make sure these men are not charged. Not only that the Vatican has never been hauled up on money laundering charges for the Mafia so why would they be charged with the rapes of hundreds of children.

Yet, and this appalls me, there are still millions that support and give money to  that disgusting church. Now I will help everyone out. There is no god, he is man made , the bible was written over a period of 300 years by at least a dozen men. You are telling me they all are on chatting terms with this imaginary entity?  People need to truly get a grip. So if there is an all knowing and seeing, kind and gentle god. Why does he allow this to happen to innocent children, why does he allow our most endangered and valuable animals to be slaughtered by Trophy hunters and poachers. Why does this so wonderful god allow some like Donald Trump to be wealthy and prosper while he allows many good people to starve and suffer. Why are animals abused, women, children and men raped. He is supposed to know and see all. Yes, he is supposed to have awesome power, why does he not strike them dead for these abominations.

He doesn’t do this because he doesn’t exist. I would not want to know a god that does such heinous things to those he is supposed to love. Along with the Catholic Church has a brutal history. In the 4th century they invaded Ireland hacking off the heads of anyone who would not convert to their evil and imaginary god, handing over cash, items and themselves to the very brutal St. Patrick.

People it is hight time many grew up and see things for what they are and demand that these men who have molested and abused these children pay the price for their crimes.  That does not mean you leave in the incapable, greedy and selfish hands of the church. This Church should be stripped of it’s wealth and guns. The end result is that compensation should be paid to all of the people who have been subjected to their abuse, the priest, cardinals, bishops and the pope be jailed for life, The rest of the proceed go and provide homes, food, medicine for the poor and there rest goes to ensure that our endangered animals are guarded.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the poaching and murder of elephants as they consume 90% of the world ivory. They also refuse to sign papers saying they will no longer buy ivory.

I would like to thank the producers of the movie Spotlight, you are doing a great job of getting this in front of people.






The Sixth Extinction.

We are undoubtedly headed for the sixth extinction. This is an extinction caused by humans and will end up witeverything on this earth dead. Can we stop this? Yes, if we start now we could possibly turn this around if not by 2048 we may all be gone. Sit down and have a drink this is going to be a long one.

The past five extinctions were:

1. Ordovician Period. That 60% of all terrestrial and marine disappeared.

2. Late Devonian period which was 360 million years ago. The environment had nurtured reefs which turned against the earth and that was the second mass extinction.

3. Permian max extinction where 80-95% of all marine life went extinct. Reefs did not reappear for another ten million years.

4.Triassic mass extinction had almost half of all marine invertebrates and 80% of all land quadrupeds  went extinct.

5. Cretaceous mass extinction 65 million years ago resulted in the extinction of dinosaurs, no large land animals survived,  tropical marine life was decimated.Plant life was greatly affected.

So what has caused these mass extinctions and head us towards our sixth extinction that is pending even faster than expected. First is ti the temperature the last one was 6-14 degrees C warmer than present the ocean was 300 feet higher than today, they then flooded 40% of the EARTH.. The heat bleaches the coral and it causes mass extinction of life giving coral. The problem occurs because the CO2 has no chance to mix with the ocean . The acidification of the water is slow and the air is fast. If we continue at the rate it is happening today the CO2 emissions, ocean PH will drop to a level that will cause other chemical changes and anoxia will set in. The ocean flooding of 65 million years ago will be our reality.When this happens we are in our Sixth extinction all caused by humans.

People wander about their heads in the air thinking it will never happen to them. That will happen way after their life is over.. I would never bring a child into this world of impending death. We are slaughtering the wild animals and abusing them. We are destroying the brilliant marine life, the flora and fauna.

Humans are not a species to admired. We abuse each other, we abuse animals, we abuse the oceans and those that live in it and we abuse the forests. We are a sorry lot of people and if we don’t stop we could all be gone by 2048.  In the next ten years is we don’t stop this mass murdering of elephants and lions they are gone. Three species of tigers went extinct in 2000 and we may only have 3000 left. That means in three years they will be gone. In the cove in Japan they slaughter mass groups of traumatized dolphins. The rest they sell to wildlife aquariums for a life of servitude and captivity. The Faroe Island mass slaughter pilot whales, They declare that is is their “custom” brutality is not a custom. What will they do when they have made their “custom” go extinct. What will be the new custom.

Trophy hunters, poachers, and serial animal killers are not conservationists. Tell me how you conserve a species when it is teetering on the edge of extinction. We have murdered more than half of the wild animals in the last forty-five years. We have done our very best to be as mean as we know how by polluting and being mean to everyone and everything.We are all guilty even myself. People have over populated this world and by doing that we are killing forests, animals and each other. If we don’t try to fix this we are all gone.

Our governments are blind and bow to the wealthy by not putting moratoriums on killing animals and deforestation. Why do you think so many places are being subjected to deforestation  the rains wash the land away. This causes land to erode, crops and houses are washed away. With it human and wildlife are often killed, yes, we did this.

Animals and forests play a very important role in ecology, if we ignore this then we are gone, everything is gone. Circuses, and any place that displays animals as entertainment must be stopped. No more hunting of exotic wildlife. No more governments like the provincial government of Christy Clark in BC allowing mass slaughter of wolves. No more round ups and slaughter of wild horses in Alberta.

No human life is worth more than the life of an animal. Laws need to be enforced and made more stringent to stop animal abuses wild and domestic.

I am sad because I like everyone else has contributed, even in a small way to this horrible impending extinction of the earth. I would rather not drive a car but I would ride a horse. I love animals and always have. I don’t even mind snakes but would never have one as a pet. If I was able I would head to Africa and Asia and fight for those animals.

I will take this opportunity to defend people who eat beef, or poultry. Some people really have to eat meat because of their body makeup, I do not abuse them for that. I do abuse those who kill animals for fun, trophies torture, entertainment etc.

I am asking everyone to stand with me to defend the rights of all animals. Only when we can save them and stop this destruction can we save this world. Without all of those having babies todays expect your child not to live to an old age or yourself.

We must all fight for Cecil and all lions, elephants, rhinos and all land and sea animals.


Today I sent e-mails to the Zimbabwe government, two out of the three mailboxes are full, One was the e-mail for tourism, i will try everyday. We need more than just a couple of us to scream it from the rooftops, we need everyone. We need to cause of tsunami of epic proportions, sometimes we need to not just rock the boat but cause an ocean liner to capsize.

If everyone continues to scream it louder and louder instead of muttering it from their bathrooms we can effect change. We need Zimbabwe to show the world what a civilized country does about poaching and animal murder.  I find many peoples attitudes to be despicable and mean.  I am tired of “it’s just and animal” or “it is just a lion” People are the meanest and nastiest creatures on this earth. I am definitely embarrassed to be one. At least I can say I love animals, truly love them. When I am away from my cat’s I call whoever is checking on them and ask how my babies are, I miss them so much I don’t sleep much the whole time I am gone. I love them and they love me and people who have never loved or been loved by an animal have no concept of what true love is. It is a love that is unconditional that if they are not there you miss them, very much.

I have sworn to continue this and I will. I can’t believe that Zambia lifted the moratorium after just one week. That alone makes them look weak and wishy washy. They cannot bend to the pressure of the wealthy murdering trophy hunters. Why allow these monsters to kill these magnificent creatures.

There are 10,000 African elephants left and if they keep murdering them they will be gone in ten years or less. It is expected that the Lions will go extinct in 2036 That gives us 16 years. If this keeps up them and so many others will be gone forever in very short time.

Humans have slaughtered so many animals to extinction with no good reason. These animals were on these lands long before humans, but humans have no respect for anything. The Stellar Sea cow was driven to extinction in ten years. The black Western Rhino is extinct the White Rhino there are only four left and they are in a zoo. We have slaughtered so many animals and birds it is disgusting. People are the most inhuman creatures around.

To all the slaughtered animals and animals that are still being slaughtered by humans, I am so very sorry. I wish as one person I could do so much more. I love you and I know that doesn’t help


International Lion Day

Today is International Lion Day, this day is set aside to bring the plight of our endangered and on the brink of endangered animals foremost to your mind.

I am appalled because a week after the moratorium on rhinos, elephants, lions, leopards and cape buffalo was enacted Zimbabwe in all of it’s wisdom has taken it off. Maybe those idiots should stop and think, when you allow morons to kill off your beautiful natural resources you WILL have nothing left. These animals are not yours to bargain with their lives, they are not yours to let imbeciles with more money than brains come and destroy. They are only yours to keep safe and to let others enjoy with cameras not guns and arrows. These animals are sacred and terrible things will befall those that do this to wonderful, beautiful animals.

I am not just talking about the endangered and on the brink of endangered in just Africa, I am talking world wide. Remember these words, “The evil you do will live after you.” They will live after you and people who aid these trophy hunters and the hunters karma will come and get them. Animals have purpose and they have families. They are living feeling entities just like we are and this senseless killing has to stop. If Zimbabwe is so worried about not getting money from the hunts then how about having a cull hunt of humans. You have more people than animals and you can probably get more for them to shoot humans. Put the moratorium back on the killing of the animals.

Because of Walter Palmer one of Cecil’s cubs have been killed and the others have a 5% chance of making it. The issue at hand is that is why lions form coalitions to protect the pride. One lion cannot protect against a coalition of two or three. There are the people who will then spout, “that is nature” no it is not in this case. Human intervention caused it now we have to find a way to fix it. His cubs would have never been in this position if it wasn’t for a moronic hunter the idiot dentist Dr. Walter Palmer. Cecil was a strong healthy lion, so he killed him. Jericho is a nice lion but looking at him you know he was not as big or as strong as Cecil. He will also defend his cubs above Cecil’s.

I believe the punishment should befit the crime so we need to shoot Palmer then tie his family to trees and let the animals do what they want. People would say; “why should his family suffer because of what he did.” Well Cecil’s family is suffering from what Palmer did so turn about is fair play. I will be writing a letter to the Zimbabwian government again and emphasizing that they keep it on. I would like for everyone to also write them. We need to stop this carnage, it is not ours to reap upon the wonderful animals of the world.

Email addresss to the government of Zimbabwe, not knowing which was the right one I am enclosing all that may be involved.:  info@tourism.gov.zw



We are stewards of this world and we have made a horrible mess of it and we had best straighten it up before we become soylent greens.

I am disgusted in people who say that Ricky Gervais has no rights defending animals because he eats meat. Well does he eat: bears, giraffe, elephant, cape buffalo, kangaroo, cats, dogs, horses, lions, leopards, hyena, buzzards, etc I truly doubt it. Just because he eats animals raised for meat he is allowed to love animals.  I know many people who are not vegan or vegetarian. I know ones that do not eat mammal all of that is fine. I used to really like seafood but I quit because well radiation and oil are not a good food source.  If I raised chickens and turkeys I could never eat or kill them. So basically I don’t eat them except for maybe around Christmas but not a lot. Meat does not hold any fascination for me.

I know some leather suppliers sell horse, elephant hides. I will not get a hide unless it comes from North America and it has to be cow hides and pig. I will not use exotic hides it is a moral code with me. I will not use horse, as I used to have horses. I will never use elephant, dolphin or anything like that. I do leather so that animal can live on in a piece of art. That animal was not just killed for it’s hide or head, they used it all. If my stopping today working on leather would save all the animals of the world I would do it.

I have always wanted to go to Africa to see those wonderful animals in their own habitants but I fear I may never get there and if I do Dr. Seski, the murdering Mormon Rebecca Francis, Sabrina Corgatelli and that hideous dentst Walter Palmer would have killed all the animals and not forget oil magnate Kerry Krottinger who declares he loves Africa and the animals and that is why his house is filled with dead animal trophies. People who take pictures of animals and not the animals are the bravest. Their walls can be filled with these pictures and people will revel in then when they walk in not recoil in horror. One of the pictures I use today is of his living room.

Zimbabwe needs to extradite Walter Palmer and the others mentioned here for murder. This cannot continue to happen. What he did and the others is equated to shooting fish in a barrel. You load the barrel with fish and a little water then you kill them Or The heinous seal hunt in Canada. Where baby defenseless seals are clubbed to death for furs no one will buy as they are outlawed in the following countries; Netherlands, Russia, Belarus, Kazakastan, Mexico, Belgium, European Union, Taiwan, USA, just to mention a few. These barbaric murdering of animals for trophies or anything else including food is to stop.

If I was to eat chicken or turkey I only would obtain it from the farmer who is free range and humane killing.

Let us celebrate Lion Day in the memory of Cecil and all animals and stop this murder spree. Let’s jail the killers listed above.

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What does it take…

i have sat here wondering, what does it take for people to wake up and realize what is going on. Then I thought about my upstairs neighbours. Everyday they would cast more than twenty cigarette butts down onto my patio. It is not just that I am a non smoker but that I have plants with peat moss in them and a shed. These are things that could burn the whole building down when I am gone or asleep, if these butts landed in the.

It wasn’t just my patio, it was also the newly seeded lawn in front of it. That would approximately get an additional forty butts on it a day . The building started sending letters to the people because they had witnessed them doing it. After about three letters saying they would fine them if it kept up, they still continued to do this. Then this month they were fined. It took all of that for them to quit doing that. It shouldn’t have to take that for people to realize the harm they are doing but we are seeing the same things with Cecil and trophy hunters.

So we have a raving imbecile of, Jim Treacher, from the Daily Call, if this cretin had anything resembling a brain he wouldn’t write the garbage he did. He thinks telling us that Africans don’t like lions is profound news. I don’t know how absolutely devoid of cranial substance you have to be to write such drivel. I guess we have to explain to him and all other pilgarlics like him that, there was nothing in Cecil’s death that helps conservation.

Africans just don’t hate lions, they also hate; elephants, giraffes, hyenas, rhinos, hippos, alligators and all other animals. They will cite you a number of reasons and none that are valid in my books. They cry that the lions will eat them. Well hyenas are more prone to human flesh and gators love tasty treats, they eat everything, Hippos kill more people than lions and wait…people kill more people and animals than lions. Why shouldn’t animals kill people when people set out to kill them.

If I was attacked by an animal and lived I would never tell them which animal it was, the animal has a right to live. They have a purpose, they have feelings, they feel love, pain, anger the difference is we don’t speak their language and they don’t have hands. So if you wish to cite that is why we need to kill them because they don’t speak our language or have hands then you are beyond stupid. That means we have to kill every person that does not speak whatever language we speak and anyone who was born without or lost limbs, them too.

So, Treacher, you addlepate how is it good for conservation to kill off protected endangered species? How is it good for conservation to kill off the healthiest, the best? It isn’t. That is what will weaken the species. if the animal was weak, sick and injured then that would be different and put it out of it’s misery. After seeing your picture, Treacher, we need to put you out of our misery and that dentist with you. You are definitely not the best of the human gene pool. How is slaughtering animals to the extinction of the species good conservation. They may I suggest we start culling the human herd. We outnumber animals and I have found thousands that should not be allowed to propagate because it will and is weaken the genetics. We need to study conservation and you: Palmer, Corgatelli, Francis, Liatude, Seski, and other trophy hunters are first on the culling list.

Animals are way smarter than arrogant, egotistical humans give them credit for; I have had cats save my life, dogs,and other animals have not just helped animals of their species but others, including humans. How do we repay these animals for their kindness, we kill them, abuse them and torture them. I know what you are, Treacher, you are beyond despicable.

When all of these species have been depleted are you going to sit with that mask of yours and say; “we should have done something.” More money would have been made by keeping Cecil alive than dead.  You are the worst of humankind, you disgust me and any logical thinking individual. You have no worries of any animal except a hyena eating you and that is because you are distasteful. Animals are not here to be our slaves, to be used, abused, misused by humans. They are wonderful, smart, beautiful and loving creatures, They are everything human beings are not and I believe humans are jealous of them for those reasons and what people don’t like, jealous of, or don’t understand they set out to destroy and we have done a damn good job of it.

Humans are destroying the earth with pollution and disease, animals do not.

Humans murder, rape, steal and kill, animals only kill for food, in defense of them, their family or their territory

Animals are known to help other species besides their own including humans. Humans, only some of them do that.

Animals mind their own business,  humans do not.

Humans are arrogant, egotistical ,self-absorbed and inhumane and animals are not.

Humans are jealous of anything nicer, better looking than they are and animals are not.

Humans hate other humans because of their looks, their weight etc. Animals do not.

So, who would your rather hang out with and who is smarter I would go with animals.

Jellfyish have been on this planet for more than 2 million years, they don’t have a brain but they know how to kill you. So all the trophy hunters and Treacher can survive without a brain, common sense, logic or any kind of caring. I would take my chances with the jellyfish.

The way one contributes to the conservation of these species is to take that money and donate to their conservations. If you are worried about the African farmers than donate money to them, not offer them money to murder these elegant animals to extinction. What does it take for humans to wake up? Below are some pictures of what humans do, aren’t we just so special.




Stewards of the Universe.

We as humans have been  charged by the gods as stewards of the Universe. That means we are the guardians keeping the world and it’s beautiful animals, plants, waters and air safe, and a  piss-poor job we have done of it. It brings to mind a movie that i love which is”The Voyage Home” star trek. Spock says to Dr. Gllian; “ it is not logical to hunt a species to extinction” that is what trophy hunters do.

We were given a beautiful world with great air, pure water and the most beautiful animals to keep safe and we have not done this. We have polluted the air, polluted the water and murdered the animals and continue to do that. We need to be ashamed of ourselves for destroying these wonders.

Humans are basically selfish, greedy, arrogant and self-absorbed. There are people saying “what about the poor dentist he had to close his business.” The man is filthy rich and brought this upon himself, he murdered an animal and all he got for stealing Cecil’s life from him and his babies, was a picture. The Zambian government confiscated the hide and head of Cecil. They want to post him at the gates to the park so people will see what illegal hunting and poaching does and good for them. Jericho lost two brothers because of illegal hunting and poaching, this has to stop, not just lions but animals all over the world there are so many on the endangered, vulnerable,and threatened. All humans are selfish, arrogant, and self-absorbed. There are a plethora of people who celebrate these horrible non- qualities. Many will shriek out in their defense. “They are doctors, lawyers, dentist’s, CEO’s of oil companies or own oil companies, bankers…they are wonderful people. The ones who partake in this horrifying past-time are not.  Think about this, soon they will pay someone to line-up, elderly, crippled, and children to shoot. Will they be so wonderful then? These people are sociopaths and they love to see these poor animals suffer. Well in-spite of all the money it cost dear Dr. Palmer, and unfortunately it cost Cecil more. The only thing he has left of his bragging cruel trip is a picture and the fact that he lost the head and hide of Cecil to the Zambian government. He bragged to a waitress that he “shot the worlds biggest lion.” I hope he didn’t show her his shit-eating grin. That is a horrible thing to be proud of, now if he said “here is a picture of Cecil, he is a glorious lion and I helped prevent someone from killing him” that is something to be proud of. Even just a bunch of pictures of him alive would have impressed tons more people than get their ire as he has done.

Obviously humans lack of consideration for anything not human shows in the fact that the white Rhino is one step away from extinction and in the wild it is. There is only four living white rhinos in the world in a zoo. This is pitiful, and the black rhinos are on the critically endangered list. Even camels one hump and two are on the endangered species list. All tigers are critically endangered, Gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutangs are all critically endangered, Dian Fossey is rolling in her grave.  She tried so hard to protect them. Jane Goodall must also be appalled at our behavior.

Lions and Elephants are now on the newly endangered list and we can thank trophy hunters and poachers for this. There are so many animals endangered or critically endangered we need to end this mistreatment of animals. It is better to have 2000 pictures of them than them dead.

I would like to thank British Airways, Virgin Airlines, Delta, American, Air Canada, and any and all airlines that will not carry animal trophies. They are showing their humanity. I would like to see airlines world wide ban animal trophy transportation.

A few days ago a bull elephant in musth was being stalked by hunter wanting his tusks.  They trailed him for five hours when he suddenly turned and trampled them. They fired on him but it was wonderful they were horrible shots and he trampled them to death. Elephants in musth their hormones increase 40-60% and they become extremely agitated,angry, and unpredictable. Loud noises will trigger them to attack as will most everything else. So on this one elephants 1 asshole hunters 0.

A former artist with Disney (tm)who also worked on The Lion King which Cecil and every lion is. Has done a magnificent picture as a tribute to him, that had me crying. Zimbabwe will lose billions of dollars in revenue that would have been brought in if that asshole dentist had not killed Cecil. They now have to get the other lion killer Jan Seski. They should get on their knees and hope Zimbabwe does not enact my suggestions. They will end up poor and dead and they brought it all upon themselves.

Please people, help me help our universe and let us be the guardians  we were charged with.


Oh No! Not Again!

Earlier today there were reports that Jericho, Cecils brother had been shot and killed. All that came out of me besides tears was;”oh no! Not again.” All I could thinks is that moron Dr. Walter James Palmer wanted a match set. However, and I hope it is true, that Jericho is still alive. Jericho is the last chance Cecil’s cubs have of living.

When alpha males have a companion male, usually a brother. If something happens to them then, that male protects the pride from outside lions.

Now there was an article in Maclean’s magazine online by a Michael Petrou, he declares that lions aren’t as smart as a pig. Trophy hunting isn’t as bad as eating hamburger. I would like to know if he has had any discussions with pigs and lions lately. I do know who isn’t as smart as a pig and that would be him. Hamburger is made out of beef not pork. I have to give him some credit for stating that killing endangered species is not restricted to Africa, it is also done in Canada. That is true and I object to any form of trophy hunting.I do not condone hunting unless you use every part of the body. Trophy hunting is the most cowardly form of hunting. It is done only by very wealthy people who are horrible shots and make the animal suffer like poor Cecil. None of the endangered species are anything you would eat, you can’t put their whole body on your wall and a number of other things. Donald Trump’s fine boys enjoy killing animals only for trophies. The love killing endangered species. Americans take heed, do you want that in the white house?

1) There needs to be laws in place for hunters period either bow or rifle, they have to hit and kill it with one shot.

2) Anyone caught killing any endangered or nearly endangered animal should lose their cars, houses, business and money.

3) They should then go to jail for a minimum of ten years.

4) When they are let out they will be taken to an area where these animals are and tied to a tree where the animals can teach them a lesson.

The revenue  from number two can be used for conservation and helping that country with employment. Actually employing more conservation officers.

This needs to happen because every day 150-200 birds,plants, insects, mammals become extinct. We are slaughtering everything and this extinction is happening 1000 times faster than it would happen naturally. We and that is all humans are responsible for this. Many of us don’t do it deliberately but we contribute in little ways, even myself.

I love animals, they are the loves of my life, and to me they are the purest on earth. I will do everything I can even though it may be a drop in the bucket. If we all do drops it will add up to an ocean.

Now for people who say these animals are not intelligent no matter which one it is. Well, I have seen many unintelligent people should we hunt them, make them suffer and cut their heads off and stick them on our walls? Some say it is not different than eating chicken or beef…yes, it is. Cows, chickens, pigs are raised for food not endangered, extinct or on the verge of and I don’t eat them anyways, so your apple and carrots falls flat.

I want justice for Cecil, and all endangered and on the verge of endangered animals so for a minimum of once a week I will post on my wordpress, if not daily. I will be starting to post on here different places like my Facebook page different conservation places the first place I am posting the Zambian government whom I will be contacting the Zambian government by email and the following is their e-mail.  milnermakuni@mct.gov.zm

Writers Write.

     It has been two days since I wrote anything. No excuses but I did have a killer migraine, It is difficult to write when you can’t read the screen.

      As of today, I am back writing. There is something very valuable that I took from a funny movie called ‘Throw Momma From The Train.’ In it Billy Crystal plays a writer teaching people how to write and he has problems getting published. The one line that has always stuck with me is the line that writers need to live by. That line is “Writers write, always.” This is because I find that if I don’t I loose my motivation and momentum.

      I am one of those writer’s that have to have some background noise.  I cannot write in total silence. If I wish to write in total silence, I would write in the coroners office. Which is not too far from me, if I required dead silence. That being said, I also can’t write in the middle of a revolution. I can’t write around screaming obnoxious kids, or noisy inconsiderate adults but I can write around animals.  Actually I have two editors who are furry and cute. One is more help than the other. One is a twenty-five pound wrist weight. It is impossible to type when you have that much weight on your wrist.

     Have I got my 10k words this week…no, I have not even close. With all of this being said I will now go and resume my writing. I had to warm up by writing here  first.

