International Lion Day

Today is International Lion Day, this day is set aside to bring the plight of our endangered and on the brink of endangered animals foremost to your mind.

I am appalled because a week after the moratorium on rhinos, elephants, lions, leopards and cape buffalo was enacted Zimbabwe in all of it’s wisdom has taken it off. Maybe those idiots should stop and think, when you allow morons to kill off your beautiful natural resources you WILL have nothing left. These animals are not yours to bargain with their lives, they are not yours to let imbeciles with more money than brains come and destroy. They are only yours to keep safe and to let others enjoy with cameras not guns and arrows. These animals are sacred and terrible things will befall those that do this to wonderful, beautiful animals.

I am not just talking about the endangered and on the brink of endangered in just Africa, I am talking world wide. Remember these words, “The evil you do will live after you.” They will live after you and people who aid these trophy hunters and the hunters karma will come and get them. Animals have purpose and they have families. They are living feeling entities just like we are and this senseless killing has to stop. If Zimbabwe is so worried about not getting money from the hunts then how about having a cull hunt of humans. You have more people than animals and you can probably get more for them to shoot humans. Put the moratorium back on the killing of the animals.

Because of Walter Palmer one of Cecil’s cubs have been killed and the others have a 5% chance of making it. The issue at hand is that is why lions form coalitions to protect the pride. One lion cannot protect against a coalition of two or three. There are the people who will then spout, “that is nature” no it is not in this case. Human intervention caused it now we have to find a way to fix it. His cubs would have never been in this position if it wasn’t for a moronic hunter the idiot dentist Dr. Walter Palmer. Cecil was a strong healthy lion, so he killed him. Jericho is a nice lion but looking at him you know he was not as big or as strong as Cecil. He will also defend his cubs above Cecil’s.

I believe the punishment should befit the crime so we need to shoot Palmer then tie his family to trees and let the animals do what they want. People would say; “why should his family suffer because of what he did.” Well Cecil’s family is suffering from what Palmer did so turn about is fair play. I will be writing a letter to the Zimbabwian government again and emphasizing that they keep it on. I would like for everyone to also write them. We need to stop this carnage, it is not ours to reap upon the wonderful animals of the world.

Email addresss to the government of Zimbabwe, not knowing which was the right one I am enclosing all that may be involved.:

We are stewards of this world and we have made a horrible mess of it and we had best straighten it up before we become soylent greens.

I am disgusted in people who say that Ricky Gervais has no rights defending animals because he eats meat. Well does he eat: bears, giraffe, elephant, cape buffalo, kangaroo, cats, dogs, horses, lions, leopards, hyena, buzzards, etc I truly doubt it. Just because he eats animals raised for meat he is allowed to love animals.  I know many people who are not vegan or vegetarian. I know ones that do not eat mammal all of that is fine. I used to really like seafood but I quit because well radiation and oil are not a good food source.  If I raised chickens and turkeys I could never eat or kill them. So basically I don’t eat them except for maybe around Christmas but not a lot. Meat does not hold any fascination for me.

I know some leather suppliers sell horse, elephant hides. I will not get a hide unless it comes from North America and it has to be cow hides and pig. I will not use exotic hides it is a moral code with me. I will not use horse, as I used to have horses. I will never use elephant, dolphin or anything like that. I do leather so that animal can live on in a piece of art. That animal was not just killed for it’s hide or head, they used it all. If my stopping today working on leather would save all the animals of the world I would do it.

I have always wanted to go to Africa to see those wonderful animals in their own habitants but I fear I may never get there and if I do Dr. Seski, the murdering Mormon Rebecca Francis, Sabrina Corgatelli and that hideous dentst Walter Palmer would have killed all the animals and not forget oil magnate Kerry Krottinger who declares he loves Africa and the animals and that is why his house is filled with dead animal trophies. People who take pictures of animals and not the animals are the bravest. Their walls can be filled with these pictures and people will revel in then when they walk in not recoil in horror. One of the pictures I use today is of his living room.

Zimbabwe needs to extradite Walter Palmer and the others mentioned here for murder. This cannot continue to happen. What he did and the others is equated to shooting fish in a barrel. You load the barrel with fish and a little water then you kill them Or The heinous seal hunt in Canada. Where baby defenseless seals are clubbed to death for furs no one will buy as they are outlawed in the following countries; Netherlands, Russia, Belarus, Kazakastan, Mexico, Belgium, European Union, Taiwan, USA, just to mention a few. These barbaric murdering of animals for trophies or anything else including food is to stop.

If I was to eat chicken or turkey I only would obtain it from the farmer who is free range and humane killing.

Let us celebrate Lion Day in the memory of Cecil and all animals and stop this murder spree. Let’s jail the killers listed above.

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This handsome fellow is Cecil. He had two prides and twelve babies that will most likely end up murdered by other male lions. Why? You ask. This is all because of an egotistical narcissist called Dr. Walter Palmer the murdering dentist from the US. It wasn’t bad enough that he had killed Rhino, and another male lion before this along with a plethora of animals.

No, Cecil was not marauding his livestock or anything else. This evil piece of garbage paid $55,000. to murder Cecil. Cecil actually liked people and tourists. He did not go and kill this jerk of a dentist because he wanted his lion pals to tell him how macho he was and what huge dick he has. Palmer said; (paraphrasing), “I thought it was all legal, didn’t know he was part of a study or a favorite. I tried to smash his GPS but it didn’t work. So sorry I got caught.” He better hide for the rest of his life because he shot poor Cecil with a bow and arrow and let him suffer for over forty hours. Then shot him with a rifle, skinned him and cut off his head. I bet this feckless monster is proud of himself. They baited Cecil out of his safe haven with a dead animal.

What kind of douche bag kills endangered species? This lily white pantywaist is a coward to the max. I am so upset over this. I never met Cecil, I never got to take his picture and now Cecil will never live out his life how he was supposed to. Maybe someone should hunt down and do the same to murdering dentists like Palmer.

He is absolutely the worst of humanity and I apologize to every animal on this planet and our Cecil for horrible monsters like Palmer. He did not kill one lion he has now killed many. He stated he enjoys this, the murdering  pile of fetid dung.

It must really make him feel like a man to kill a protected species and to make it suffer. My what a big dick he has, on his neck. Run and hide you evil monster, your time is coming and the world will make you suffer for you horrendous crimes against nature.

I hope someone finds him in the dark and does things to him we can only imagine and he suffers for it this evil monster is a Sociopath.

I have cried a thousand tears for Cecil and I will cry thousands more.

RIP Cecil, we are not all that horrible. He is a stupid moron, with no feelings or brains and you were never supposed to go that way Cecil, I am so very sorry.

    What Do I Write?

This is a question all writers are asked and it is; “What do you write?” We also ask each other that question because we are interested and many of us cross genre’s.

Many suspect that if you are a member of a romance writers association then, you must write only romance. That is totally untrue because I don’t slobbery, oozy, gooey romance. Actually many romance writers  don’t write that syrupy stuff. They write romance with more substance.

Now, I don’t write romance. I won’t deny there may be a bit of romance in my writings but it involves much more than; boy meets girl, he likes her, she thinks he is a creep.they eventually fall in love and live happily ever after. No, I don’t write that, ever.

The novel I am writing now is what is called Historical Fantasy, it takes place during the Iron Age. This is the fifth century AD  in Ireland. It has to do with the Invasion of Christianity. Yes, it is fiction but contains a great deal of non fiction. Is there romance? Yes, a very small amount but not in the way you might think. Romance is not the predominant part of this story. I am planning on making this a trilogy following the main characters family through different parts of history.

Besides Historical Fantasy, I write; fantasy, murder, mystery, paranormal, poems, and short stories also. I don’t do romance or Sci Fi. I won’t say I will never do romance but It just doesn’t amuse me at this time.

I am a person who likes historical things, This means pre 1900’s. I like to write in some of those veins.  The language for contemporary would be easier but not as exciting for me to write. I believe that  you should write what excites you, because if you are excited by what you write there will be people who are excited to read it.