If You Are a Racist.

 Photo is by Reuters


This has been one hell of a year and is only a little over half over. I have sat silently through most of it. I am totally done with idiots who whine about masks, idiots saying it is a hoax and any number of things. Sneaky people from the US lying about where they are going thinking they can holiday up here during COVID. You are told to stay home with your disease and we mean it. We don’t want you here while your country rages with Covid19. People of Alberta are as bad as those from the US with your stupid heads up your butts. I am embarrassed to be from here because of you.

This year there has been not just heartbreaking COVID deaths all over the world but in the US and along with that the killing of black people. This is despicable and it is fueled by that insipid moron Trump. The recent shooting of Jacob Blake Jr. in Kenosha Wisconsin shows how much worse it is getting. He was trying to break up a domestic dispute when the police shows-up. He turns and goes to get in his car with his three sons in it. A cop runs close behind him and as he goes to get in shoots him seven times in the back.

It takes a very brave person to shoot an unarmed person in the back not just once but seven times. He was no threat or danger to anyone and now he will probably be paralyzed for life.

Now, this is for the racist moron who posted a fuzzy picture of him walking to his car holding a set of keys and saying it was a knife and then saying he was going to get a gun to shoot the cop. How DARE YOU! 

If you ever repost shit like that to me again you are dead in my eyes. I don’t care if you are family, friend, distant relative, politician, or a queen. I  never want to see that on my feed. You can repost your racist garbage to specific people make sure I am not on that list. I don’t care who you vote for and admire racists I don’t want it on my page. I see that ever again and you will be blocked. If you don’t like this then block me. I will not put up with racist, Trumpian, delusional, kool-aid drinking racism. How horrible of a person you are to post crap like that. Be ashamed of yourself you brainwashed inbred.

Now for everyone who does not have a moron running your country, province, or state, feel very happy.  We have a moron in charge of our province, a racist moron and it disgusts me. At least the person running my country is not that but sad we have many of those in this country too.





I Have Had Enough.



I am sick to death of many things, now I will speak out against them. I have gone to Facebook prison on many occasions because I say what I am thinking, and some whiney babies are offended. Well, good for them we will buy them a bath sheet to cry into.

I am sick to death of lying monsters such as Donald Trump, the man with the ugliest mouth and insipid ignorance. Jason Kenney, the mealy-mouthed, mean incel, and Michelle Remple who always looks like she came out of a hedge in a drunken state after having a good time with a football team.

Years ago when BC was concerned about the Trans Mountain Pipeline. I stood with them and still do. They have every right to protect their land, coastline, water, and animals against leaking oil and gas pipelines, but they got stomped on by Alberta whining about their damned oil and gas. I live in Alberta at this time, well all my life but in two months I move to BC. Alberta and the rest of the country need to understand that oil and gas have had their heyday and have managed to pollute everything. We will never be totally free of it because of heating needs and a few other things. They must look to diversify and concentrate on more sustainable ways of energy and quit the whining.

Now I empathize with the native in BC who are against a pipeline coming across their ancestral lands. However, they are now even getting on my nerves and they are losing ground with those of us who support them. There are ways to get people on your side and blocking railroads is not that way.  Yes, you want to get their attention but people out of work is not that way, there is and has to be a better way. I can see doing it for a couple of days but not for weeks. You want the RCMP off your land but when you have problems I have heard the tears flow that there are none around to help, they need to make a decision.

Now in the realm of bad decisions, Alberta. Number one bad decision was electing the UCP and Jason Kenney. Worst decision, ever. I sure didn’t but others did. He is slashing health care, my utilities doubled this month due to his funding cuts, he canceling contracts, going after doctors, privatizing medicare if none of that sounds horrible then he is wanting to commandeer peoples pensions of those who will retire in the future or already retired. There is more stupidity by him on the horizon. When he got in the first thing he did was give 4.7 billion dollars to the wealthy and large oil companies, with no strings attached. What a success that was, everyone, knows trickle-down economics never works and they happily took that money from a resounding idiot and left Canada not just Alberta and/or invested it elsewhere. We were in the middle of a recession but we were coming out of it before the population got incredibly stupid and elected him. So now he is trying to balance the books and regain his give away money on the backs of the disabled, poor, and seniors. As well as trying to steal people’s CPP and pensions of teachers along with canceling contracts of government employees and taking their pensions to invest in a company that only invests in fossil fuels and has lost many of those investments. That sounds like a great place to invest in, doesn’t it? What we have here with Jason Kenney who is madly in love with Trump is a mini Trump.

He said he would bring jobs back to Alberta but in the last three months alone he and his cronies have managed to kill more than 50,000 jobs. Then to make sure businesses want to come here he starts the Alberta will separate from Canada. What an absolutely stupid thing to say. The first time Quebec tried the separation ploy, they were okay. They tried it again and found out how big they lost. Well, companies planning to come here have decided to not do that because a place ranting about that shows an unstable economy and an unreliable future. So Jason Kenney and his unmade bed friend Michelle Remple are chirping about separatism again and driving people further away.

I can no longer live in this expensive and cruel province. I did entertain thoughts of staying at one point but there is nothing here I could afford and then with all the horrible things he is doing, my next step is a box under the bridge. I am done.






Why I Am A Vegan


I am always asked why I am a Vegan. Let me tell you why.  It is for health, it is for the health of the animals. I don’t want any animals dying for me. Meat is unimportant and humans can live very successfully without meat.

I was raised and grew up in a meat-eating family. I never liked or enjoyed meat and as a small child, I had more than a few traumatic experiences on the farm involving chickens. I love animals, always have and wanted to be a veterinarian. When I was four years old we pulled up to my cousins’ farm in Northern Alberta, as I got out of the car, she cut the head off of a chicken. Then I got chased around the farm by a headless chicken. At four-years-old, I had no knowledge of nerves in the body. I just knew that poor chicken was dead and chasing me.

When I was ten-years-old the dogs decided to chase some chickens, all the animals were free-range then, no huge factory farms not in Alberta, not then. The dogs chased one cute chicken into the combine and broke her leg. All summer, I carried her around she slept in a special place in my room with blankets, I fed and watered her and the day I had to leave, they killed and ate my chicken. Needless to say, they were never forgiven for it.

When I was twenty I wanted to be a vegetarian and there was probably three in the world at that time. I found one little pocketbook on it which I still have and it was called “Recipes for A Small Planet.” I quit eating all red meats at this time. it made me very sick in many ways, that included pork. I rarely ate seafood or poultry, finally, all of that ended.

I love animals and I think pigs, cows, chickens are as cute as the cat and dog. I am not going to eat the cat and dog, why would I eat the others.  The hardest thing to quit was cheese and many Vegan cheeses are not that good. Cashew cheeses are great they are spreadable you can put them on your potatoes or pastas, crackers. They are made in assorted flavours they are very delicious.  There are some specific Vegan cheeses not made by huge corporations that are tasty and melt nicely.

There is always those who ask about protein, many vegetables have more protein than meat. Then there is the old “is your cat Vegan?” No, she isn’t she is a true predator it is impossible to make cats Vegan because of their body compositions and the nutrients they need from meat. Not everyone or every animal can be Vegan, lions, tigers, cheetahs, all the cat family cannot be Vegans and neither can weasels and ferrets or members of that family.

It just seems so strange that people get upset because I am a Vegan. It shouldn’t bother them in the least. I am not forcing Veganism on them. Now I have finally figured it out. It is guilt that upsets them. They feel bad about their choices whether they realize it or not. They probably would be Vegan but they are scared, scared about if it would be hard or not, scared about taste or what would they tell people. Well, the Vegan fake meat industry (usually made from seitan) has come a long way. I had a crab burger that tasted just like it. I also get lemon chicken which tastes like lemon chicken and the texture is still like chicken even tho it isn’t. It isn’t all carrots and lettuce. We have desserts and the good thing is no one is dying so we can eat. Along with even if we overeat, you don’t feel that gross overstuffed feeling and you don’t feel stuffed for a long time after.






Welcome to Calgary’s Cruelest Outdoor Show


I was going to write this two weeks ago but then I got busy with other life things. Now halfway through the Calgary Stampede, I write it.

I can’t begin to tell you what a barbaric and horrible things the Rodeo and Chuckwagon races are for animals. You get told, “Cowboys treat the animals better than their families.” In that,  they are no different than trophy hunters who race around touting that they are conservationists.

If a trophy hunter is a conservationist then they won’t mind if people conserve them and their families the way they conserve animals.  Never ever have you helped anyone live by killing then and their family. Trophy hunters no more love those elephants and other animals than cowboys love the livestock.

The cowboys love the livestock for the following reasons at the Stampede. 1) It makes them feel like he-men and air-headed women swoon around them. 2) They get praise. 3) This is the big one, they get money. So abusing animals nets them all or some of the things they like. They are not athletes, what they do is not sporting because if it is a sport then both parties know it is. I am glad I am not one of their family members if what they do to these animals that they love more than their families.

Animals die and lots of them, for every animal that dies in the news a minimum of ten die that you don’t hear about. What makes me say this. I spent ten years working for the Stampede in the infield that is where all of these events take place.  I saw animals die and I had to lie to people and say that animal would be fine. IF you have concern for these animals, any feelings for them as living sentient beings please do not go to rodeo events or chuckwagon races.

People will tell you very few bulls die, that is a lie and if they are not killed while being ridden. Then they die from all the plastic and garbage these so-called people who love them throw into their pens. They never mention the broncs they get broken legs and backs all the time. Calves, little babies. They are terrorized prior to the gates opening then, some big jerk on a horse chases them, tosses a noose around their neck and while they are choking they are picked up and thrown on the ground and their legs tied together. I bet you would love to have that done to you or how about your children. Those poor babies end up with broken necks, torn muscles, and broken legs. Is that a nice way to treat any living things never mind a baby.

Next, we have steer wrestling. That is where a huge guy jumps off his horse onto it’s back and twists it’s head till it is lying on the ground or he breaks the neck of the steer. That sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? How would you like some big 250+lb guy jump on your back and twist your head around? People always like to say.” these animals are bred for this.” So does torture and abuse make it right? They are sentient beings, they have families, they feel love, pain, and happiness. As horrible humans, we steal all of that from them, we take their precious lives.

The one event where the animals are truly loved by their owners and are not ever intentionally harmed is a gymkhana event called Barrel Racing. A woman on horseback races in a figure-eight around three barrels. The barrels are not even real barrels anymore, they are made of plastic. I know this event well and used to do it in my younger days. I loved my horses so much and miss them every single day. I believe the Stampede never brought in Barrel Racing till the late 80s or even early 90s.


Chuckwagon races are part of this extensive display on cruelty. What people see are wagons racing around the track with teams of four former racehorses. The only horses used for this are former racehorses, horses that were put up for sale because they were lucky enough not to be crippled, die, or win their race then. Now they either get to die in a horrible twisted mess in front of thousands or later at 3:00A M. Three in the morning, that is when the wagon drivers are so drunk they can’t stand so they practice racing. I have seen as many as ten horses die in one practice alone.  You don’t hear about that, the reason is the Stampede is a big part of this city and they pay to shut those things down.

There is so much that happens down there just to animals that I haven’t even alluded to. It is horrible and for anyone who loves animals the way I do, it tortured me to work in that area for that long and see it happen. I worked there because I loved the animals and hoped for a short time I could make them feel a little better. For the last few years of my working for the Stampede, I asked to be moved out of there because of the emotional toll it took on me.

I am not against the Stampede, just the rodeo, and the chuckwagon races. They can get back to good food, not all the garbage they dole out or bigger and better exhibits like when I was a kid. Things need to change and unless you are willing to do to humans what they do to animals, it is not to be done.