Photo by Yaroslav Danylchenko on Pexels.com

   I have been basically locked in my house since March 2020. The exceptions were medical appointments and groceries, under duress. I am fortunate, lately a new store opened nearby and I can order my food and cat food online and drive over, they hoist it into the car. If I want things from Costco, they will deliver it to me. All my medications are delivered to me as is the dog food. Am I fed up with COVID? I would be lying if I said no. I would love to go somewhere and see things or go to lunch with a friend but I won’t. Why won’t I? Because I am not a spoiled, entitled imbecile. I am in a category that getting COVID could cause my death, also it could cause the death of people I know and love. This virus is not a joke and it is not a hoax. I knew people who have had it and ones that have died. To say this is anything other than a dangerous virus makes you an idiot. The scientific facts make you an idiot and the fact you are willing to endanger not just yourself but your children, parents, grandparents and people you don’t even know makes you not just an idiot but a murderer.

    Now we have newer, faster, even possibly deadlier mutations. Not one but more than one and what have we got, a cluster or morons. People in England have been locked down and they are not whinging and whining, nor have they in New Zealand over it but all it takes is imbeciles in the US to cry about it and then our equally stupid people in Canada to leap in and show the world how incredibly stupid people in North America are and unfortunately they are raising children and encouraging them to be just as entitled and idiotic as their parents.

Dealing with the stupidity of it all is driving me up a wall. Whining about masks, listening to conspiracy theories and yet if they don’t want you to see their faces they will wear one all day. Spouting how it is infringing non their rights. Well, you champion dunces, you are infringing on my rights. You have the rights to kill yourself anyway you want or see fit but you have no rights to kill me or anyone else because you are not smart enough to believe in science. For all of you who think vaccines turn you into a cucumber, we would all be better off if you were a cucumber. If your parents had never vaccinated you as a child you could be crippled or dead. Vaccines have saved many lives but if you and your moronic views see them turning you into a cucumber then so be it.

    We just had an entitled couple take a plane from Vancouver to the Yukon then, privately charter a plane to Beaver Creek. There they proceeded to lie to to get a vaccine that was meant for people who lived there. They were millionaires and so very self-important they only got fined $2,300.00. They should have been fined $500,000.00 each for queue jumping, theft, and endangering others lives, along with spending some time in prison.

    Then to top things off we have a plethora of asinine parents bellyaching about their child wanting to go to dance classes or hockey games.  Those ignorant and arrogant twits. Those are very expensive things to have children in which means you have money and are teaching your already spoiled and entitled kids that it is okay to be that. There are thousands of parents who can’t afford to put their children into one of these activities, never mind all their kids and they are selfish and self-centred that they have to get on tv to show their selfishness. 

   But then these incessantly self-important people believe their equally spoilt children can’t carry Covid home to them because they are elite is delusional thinking. They can and will carry it home to you and hopefully you get it or maybe their grandparents will and then they die. How will these giant hollow heads feel then?

    What these people are doing with these children is child abuse. They make these spoiled kids think nothing will harm them and money is all that counts. So, what is going to happen if these people lose their money, jobs, marriages and they don’t have the money to keep indulging these petulant brats. They teach their children that money and these activities are everything. Have them read during this time, play games, learn how to live with themselves .Spoiled children grow into spoiled adults like their ignorant parents. It isn’t a pretty sight and no one wants to be near them. One should not be listening to ignorant and petulant presidents or premiers who think they are royalty because they are not. If you listen to people like that you are a bigger idiot than they are.What the government has implemented during Covid is to save everyone but people are so indulged they think science would lie to them. 

I am fed up, fed up with crybaby, self-important, narcissists who think only of themselves. If they make one person sick they should be charged with attempted murder and if that person dies then it is murder. People need to learn to do other things than ferrying their kids to expensive activities. They need to live or learn to live as the majority of the world does. Do you believe they had all these things during the Spanish Flu?  We are supposed to be more savvy and sophisticated than they were back then. We aren’t we are so much worse.

I feel bad for small businesses but they will not have any patrons if all their customers die from going there. People are not thinking logically or straight. People in general are morons, all people, some more than others.

Do what is safe and sane and adhere to the rules set out by the government to help us and if you don’t like it then you are welcome to die but take no one else with you.