I Have Had Enough.



I am sick to death of many things, now I will speak out against them. I have gone to Facebook prison on many occasions because I say what I am thinking, and some whiney babies are offended. Well, good for them we will buy them a bath sheet to cry into.

I am sick to death of lying monsters such as Donald Trump, the man with the ugliest mouth and insipid ignorance. Jason Kenney, the mealy-mouthed, mean incel, and Michelle Remple who always looks like she came out of a hedge in a drunken state after having a good time with a football team.

Years ago when BC was concerned about the Trans Mountain Pipeline. I stood with them and still do. They have every right to protect their land, coastline, water, and animals against leaking oil and gas pipelines, but they got stomped on by Alberta whining about their damned oil and gas. I live in Alberta at this time, well all my life but in two months I move to BC. Alberta and the rest of the country need to understand that oil and gas have had their heyday and have managed to pollute everything. We will never be totally free of it because of heating needs and a few other things. They must look to diversify and concentrate on more sustainable ways of energy and quit the whining.

Now I empathize with the native in BC who are against a pipeline coming across their ancestral lands. However, they are now even getting on my nerves and they are losing ground with those of us who support them. There are ways to get people on your side and blocking railroads is not that way.  Yes, you want to get their attention but people out of work is not that way, there is and has to be a better way. I can see doing it for a couple of days but not for weeks. You want the RCMP off your land but when you have problems I have heard the tears flow that there are none around to help, they need to make a decision.

Now in the realm of bad decisions, Alberta. Number one bad decision was electing the UCP and Jason Kenney. Worst decision, ever. I sure didn’t but others did. He is slashing health care, my utilities doubled this month due to his funding cuts, he canceling contracts, going after doctors, privatizing medicare if none of that sounds horrible then he is wanting to commandeer peoples pensions of those who will retire in the future or already retired. There is more stupidity by him on the horizon. When he got in the first thing he did was give 4.7 billion dollars to the wealthy and large oil companies, with no strings attached. What a success that was, everyone, knows trickle-down economics never works and they happily took that money from a resounding idiot and left Canada not just Alberta and/or invested it elsewhere. We were in the middle of a recession but we were coming out of it before the population got incredibly stupid and elected him. So now he is trying to balance the books and regain his give away money on the backs of the disabled, poor, and seniors. As well as trying to steal people’s CPP and pensions of teachers along with canceling contracts of government employees and taking their pensions to invest in a company that only invests in fossil fuels and has lost many of those investments. That sounds like a great place to invest in, doesn’t it? What we have here with Jason Kenney who is madly in love with Trump is a mini Trump.

He said he would bring jobs back to Alberta but in the last three months alone he and his cronies have managed to kill more than 50,000 jobs. Then to make sure businesses want to come here he starts the Alberta will separate from Canada. What an absolutely stupid thing to say. The first time Quebec tried the separation ploy, they were okay. They tried it again and found out how big they lost. Well, companies planning to come here have decided to not do that because a place ranting about that shows an unstable economy and an unreliable future. So Jason Kenney and his unmade bed friend Michelle Remple are chirping about separatism again and driving people further away.

I can no longer live in this expensive and cruel province. I did entertain thoughts of staying at one point but there is nothing here I could afford and then with all the horrible things he is doing, my next step is a box under the bridge. I am done.







I need to write this because it is important. Not just important to me but to the world.

Last night the Academy of Motion Pictures awarded best picture to “Spotlight”. This film  is about  pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church. This is nothing new we have been hearing about it for years. The issue is no one has brought it to the forefront before in a movie. I am proud of them for doing this.

So far there has been no justice  for any and all of these victims. The Catholic Church just has not ruined their lives but the lives of those around them. Rape does not just disappear after it has happened. It is nothing but fun and control to the perpetrator, for the victims that live, it is a lifelong nightmare. Some of the victims can’t take the fear, embarrassment, nightmares, ridicule and stigma attached to a rape. It doesn’t matter if they are female or male. Whether they were on a date;in their home, in a church, school, hospital, work, walking down  the street or on a bus. Rape is rape it is not  something to be ignored. It doesn’t matter if it is the rape of the man, woman or child, it is never to be laughed at, ignored,or forgotten.

That is what has happened so far with all of these rapes by the Catholic Church. They have been pushed under the carpet and ignored because it is the worlds richest church. How can laws be ignored to allow these monsters to get away with this. The Vatican sits and protects them, they donate money to make sure these men are not charged. Not only that the Vatican has never been hauled up on money laundering charges for the Mafia so why would they be charged with the rapes of hundreds of children.

Yet, and this appalls me, there are still millions that support and give money to  that disgusting church. Now I will help everyone out. There is no god, he is man made , the bible was written over a period of 300 years by at least a dozen men. You are telling me they all are on chatting terms with this imaginary entity?  People need to truly get a grip. So if there is an all knowing and seeing, kind and gentle god. Why does he allow this to happen to innocent children, why does he allow our most endangered and valuable animals to be slaughtered by Trophy hunters and poachers. Why does this so wonderful god allow some like Donald Trump to be wealthy and prosper while he allows many good people to starve and suffer. Why are animals abused, women, children and men raped. He is supposed to know and see all. Yes, he is supposed to have awesome power, why does he not strike them dead for these abominations.

He doesn’t do this because he doesn’t exist. I would not want to know a god that does such heinous things to those he is supposed to love. Along with the Catholic Church has a brutal history. In the 4th century they invaded Ireland hacking off the heads of anyone who would not convert to their evil and imaginary god, handing over cash, items and themselves to the very brutal St. Patrick.

People it is hight time many grew up and see things for what they are and demand that these men who have molested and abused these children pay the price for their crimes.  That does not mean you leave in the incapable, greedy and selfish hands of the church. This Church should be stripped of it’s wealth and guns. The end result is that compensation should be paid to all of the people who have been subjected to their abuse, the priest, cardinals, bishops and the pope be jailed for life, The rest of the proceed go and provide homes, food, medicine for the poor and there rest goes to ensure that our endangered animals are guarded.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the poaching and murder of elephants as they consume 90% of the world ivory. They also refuse to sign papers saying they will no longer buy ivory.

I would like to thank the producers of the movie Spotlight, you are doing a great job of getting this in front of people.






What does it take…

i have sat here wondering, what does it take for people to wake up and realize what is going on. Then I thought about my upstairs neighbours. Everyday they would cast more than twenty cigarette butts down onto my patio. It is not just that I am a non smoker but that I have plants with peat moss in them and a shed. These are things that could burn the whole building down when I am gone or asleep, if these butts landed in the.

It wasn’t just my patio, it was also the newly seeded lawn in front of it. That would approximately get an additional forty butts on it a day . The building started sending letters to the people because they had witnessed them doing it. After about three letters saying they would fine them if it kept up, they still continued to do this. Then this month they were fined. It took all of that for them to quit doing that. It shouldn’t have to take that for people to realize the harm they are doing but we are seeing the same things with Cecil and trophy hunters.

So we have a raving imbecile of, Jim Treacher, from the Daily Call, if this cretin had anything resembling a brain he wouldn’t write the garbage he did. He thinks telling us that Africans don’t like lions is profound news. I don’t know how absolutely devoid of cranial substance you have to be to write such drivel. I guess we have to explain to him and all other pilgarlics like him that, there was nothing in Cecil’s death that helps conservation.

Africans just don’t hate lions, they also hate; elephants, giraffes, hyenas, rhinos, hippos, alligators and all other animals. They will cite you a number of reasons and none that are valid in my books. They cry that the lions will eat them. Well hyenas are more prone to human flesh and gators love tasty treats, they eat everything, Hippos kill more people than lions and wait…people kill more people and animals than lions. Why shouldn’t animals kill people when people set out to kill them.

If I was attacked by an animal and lived I would never tell them which animal it was, the animal has a right to live. They have a purpose, they have feelings, they feel love, pain, anger the difference is we don’t speak their language and they don’t have hands. So if you wish to cite that is why we need to kill them because they don’t speak our language or have hands then you are beyond stupid. That means we have to kill every person that does not speak whatever language we speak and anyone who was born without or lost limbs, them too.

So, Treacher, you addlepate how is it good for conservation to kill off protected endangered species? How is it good for conservation to kill off the healthiest, the best? It isn’t. That is what will weaken the species. if the animal was weak, sick and injured then that would be different and put it out of it’s misery. After seeing your picture, Treacher, we need to put you out of our misery and that dentist with you. You are definitely not the best of the human gene pool. How is slaughtering animals to the extinction of the species good conservation. They may I suggest we start culling the human herd. We outnumber animals and I have found thousands that should not be allowed to propagate because it will and is weaken the genetics. We need to study conservation and you: Palmer, Corgatelli, Francis, Liatude, Seski, and other trophy hunters are first on the culling list.

Animals are way smarter than arrogant, egotistical humans give them credit for; I have had cats save my life, dogs,and other animals have not just helped animals of their species but others, including humans. How do we repay these animals for their kindness, we kill them, abuse them and torture them. I know what you are, Treacher, you are beyond despicable.

When all of these species have been depleted are you going to sit with that mask of yours and say; “we should have done something.” More money would have been made by keeping Cecil alive than dead.  You are the worst of humankind, you disgust me and any logical thinking individual. You have no worries of any animal except a hyena eating you and that is because you are distasteful. Animals are not here to be our slaves, to be used, abused, misused by humans. They are wonderful, smart, beautiful and loving creatures, They are everything human beings are not and I believe humans are jealous of them for those reasons and what people don’t like, jealous of, or don’t understand they set out to destroy and we have done a damn good job of it.

Humans are destroying the earth with pollution and disease, animals do not.

Humans murder, rape, steal and kill, animals only kill for food, in defense of them, their family or their territory

Animals are known to help other species besides their own including humans. Humans, only some of them do that.

Animals mind their own business,  humans do not.

Humans are arrogant, egotistical ,self-absorbed and inhumane and animals are not.

Humans are jealous of anything nicer, better looking than they are and animals are not.

Humans hate other humans because of their looks, their weight etc. Animals do not.

So, who would your rather hang out with and who is smarter I would go with animals.

Jellfyish have been on this planet for more than 2 million years, they don’t have a brain but they know how to kill you. So all the trophy hunters and Treacher can survive without a brain, common sense, logic or any kind of caring. I would take my chances with the jellyfish.

The way one contributes to the conservation of these species is to take that money and donate to their conservations. If you are worried about the African farmers than donate money to them, not offer them money to murder these elegant animals to extinction. What does it take for humans to wake up? Below are some pictures of what humans do, aren’t we just so special.


