Stewards of the Universe.

We as humans have been  charged by the gods as stewards of the Universe. That means we are the guardians keeping the world and it’s beautiful animals, plants, waters and air safe, and a  piss-poor job we have done of it. It brings to mind a movie that i love which is”The Voyage Home” star trek. Spock says to Dr. Gllian; “ it is not logical to hunt a species to extinction” that is what trophy hunters do.

We were given a beautiful world with great air, pure water and the most beautiful animals to keep safe and we have not done this. We have polluted the air, polluted the water and murdered the animals and continue to do that. We need to be ashamed of ourselves for destroying these wonders.

Humans are basically selfish, greedy, arrogant and self-absorbed. There are people saying “what about the poor dentist he had to close his business.” The man is filthy rich and brought this upon himself, he murdered an animal and all he got for stealing Cecil’s life from him and his babies, was a picture. The Zambian government confiscated the hide and head of Cecil. They want to post him at the gates to the park so people will see what illegal hunting and poaching does and good for them. Jericho lost two brothers because of illegal hunting and poaching, this has to stop, not just lions but animals all over the world there are so many on the endangered, vulnerable,and threatened. All humans are selfish, arrogant, and self-absorbed. There are a plethora of people who celebrate these horrible non- qualities. Many will shriek out in their defense. “They are doctors, lawyers, dentist’s, CEO’s of oil companies or own oil companies, bankers…they are wonderful people. The ones who partake in this horrifying past-time are not.  Think about this, soon they will pay someone to line-up, elderly, crippled, and children to shoot. Will they be so wonderful then? These people are sociopaths and they love to see these poor animals suffer. Well in-spite of all the money it cost dear Dr. Palmer, and unfortunately it cost Cecil more. The only thing he has left of his bragging cruel trip is a picture and the fact that he lost the head and hide of Cecil to the Zambian government. He bragged to a waitress that he “shot the worlds biggest lion.” I hope he didn’t show her his shit-eating grin. That is a horrible thing to be proud of, now if he said “here is a picture of Cecil, he is a glorious lion and I helped prevent someone from killing him” that is something to be proud of. Even just a bunch of pictures of him alive would have impressed tons more people than get their ire as he has done.

Obviously humans lack of consideration for anything not human shows in the fact that the white Rhino is one step away from extinction and in the wild it is. There is only four living white rhinos in the world in a zoo. This is pitiful, and the black rhinos are on the critically endangered list. Even camels one hump and two are on the endangered species list. All tigers are critically endangered, Gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutangs are all critically endangered, Dian Fossey is rolling in her grave.  She tried so hard to protect them. Jane Goodall must also be appalled at our behavior.

Lions and Elephants are now on the newly endangered list and we can thank trophy hunters and poachers for this. There are so many animals endangered or critically endangered we need to end this mistreatment of animals. It is better to have 2000 pictures of them than them dead.

I would like to thank British Airways, Virgin Airlines, Delta, American, Air Canada, and any and all airlines that will not carry animal trophies. They are showing their humanity. I would like to see airlines world wide ban animal trophy transportation.

A few days ago a bull elephant in musth was being stalked by hunter wanting his tusks.  They trailed him for five hours when he suddenly turned and trampled them. They fired on him but it was wonderful they were horrible shots and he trampled them to death. Elephants in musth their hormones increase 40-60% and they become extremely agitated,angry, and unpredictable. Loud noises will trigger them to attack as will most everything else. So on this one elephants 1 asshole hunters 0.

A former artist with Disney (tm)who also worked on The Lion King which Cecil and every lion is. Has done a magnificent picture as a tribute to him, that had me crying. Zimbabwe will lose billions of dollars in revenue that would have been brought in if that asshole dentist had not killed Cecil. They now have to get the other lion killer Jan Seski. They should get on their knees and hope Zimbabwe does not enact my suggestions. They will end up poor and dead and they brought it all upon themselves.

Please people, help me help our universe and let us be the guardians  we were charged with.
