Humans; are we worth caring about?

I have seen people declaring that people should only be caring about people and not Cecil the murdered lion or animals. It is always “What about this person or that person.” People screaming “what is happening?’

This is what is happening. People are monsters plain and simple. On a whole of human race, people do horrible awful things. Humans hurt humans and humans hurt animals. Animals never hurt humans unless defending themselves, their home, their young or hunting for food. Animals only hurt other animals for the same reasons. Animals don’t rape, they don’t break into your house and assault, steal or kill you or your family. They have never stolen a car or robbed a store or bank. They don’t molest children or abuse anyone.

Humans on the other hand do the following. They rape, they rob, they abuse, they kill for sport, rarely for food and usually the kill in a commission of a crime. Humans abuse children, animals, woman, and anyone they want. People are evil incarnate.  What is there to love about human beings…not a lot.Animals when they love you it is unconditional, They love you not matter what you wear, how much you weigh, whether you are wealthy or not. Cecil thought that people only wanted to shoot him with a camera and he thought he would see all of his babies grow up to become handsome or pretty lions like him. Six hundred lions a year are murdered by Trophy Hunters. I call these monsters “Head Hunters” they clearly state they “love hunting” basically they like murdering. People declare that animals are just animals because they don’t speak the same language. So, does that mean we kill everyone who does not speak the same language as us?

Whole herds  of elephants are decimated for their tusks. These are brilliant animals that are not out to harm anyone. Just like Cecil they have no intention on hurting anyone that didn’t threaten them. But arrogant people murder them for ivory. There is no need for ivory and if people want it then people should start with the Taqua nut that once the outer part is sanded off it looks and feel like ivory. Leave the elephants alone. Do any of these idiots wonder what will happen when all of these wonderful animals are gone.

Next we go to the slaughter of dolphins in the “cove” in  Japan where the water runs red with slaughtered dolphins and their babies. Yes, the Japanese say it is for research, they are feeding school kids one of the worlds smartest creatures. Then the attack and brutal murder  of the pilot whales near the Faroe Islands their excuse is “it is tradition” A weak excuse. Maybe for every whale they kill we kill two people. It will be our tradition. Humpback whales are slaughtered, why? Because people are evil and murderous.

Humans believe they are the end all and be all of everything and we are not worthy of the spit from these animals.

Some bimbo stated she should put on a lion suit so people will care about her. How ignorant she is. I see her “me, me, me, notice me.” Why?  That is the problem of the majority of humans, they want to be noticed and want people to fawn on them. Well she and the majority of the human race want people to notice them and fawn on them. Well quit watching reality TV it is not all about you. Put on the lion suit and maybe the dentist will shoot you.

People love to see things and people hurt. That poor lion suffered for more than 40 hours and the dentist says, “I didn’t know he was a favorite” No, you can’t see the big tracking collar that you tried to destroy, you didn’t know that was Animals Reserve that you lured him from or that he was an endangered species. You have never been in trouble with the law except for illegally shooting a grizzly bear and he sang the same tune for that also. Or sexually harassing his receptionist. He didn’t know that was illegal.

What about all the people killed in the US and police shooting people. Well let’s give everyone a gun so we can kill them all.Shoot each other to death. Once again a perfect example of people killing because they want too. These pictures show what brave people these trophy hunters are and they have so much to be proud of as you can see there is a more than vicious Zebra in this picture. Next we have a plethora of endangered animals including Rhino, Elephant, Lion, just for a few. How can you be proud of yourself for doing this to another mammal. All of these creatures including whales and dolphins are mammals and have feelings.

Poor Cecil was injured and trailed for more than 40 hours by that murderer, he suffered as nothing on this planet should suffer. I would not even make a snake go through that but then I would not kill animals. I would never let them suffer.

Now people wonder why I am not whining and blurting about the injustices and deaths of people. People are being dealt Cecil’s hand by other people. No one deserves what many of those people have been dealt but neither did Cecil, the Rhinos, Elephants, Zebra’s and other animals Being a trophy hunter is the most cowardly and mean of all hunters. I can only hope one day we can see these hunters heads on walls.

Would I kill a person, I could do that before killing an animal. If a person deserved to be killed and tortured I could do that easier. If trophy hunters want trophies how about a child molester, a rapist or a KKK members head on the wall. I would definitely not be as offended by that as I am now.

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Look at how brave and happy these murderers are with their evil shining faces. All of Cecil’s babies have been killed by other male lions, that is nature but it didn’t have to be. These horrible headhunters are no less evil than Palmer the dentist.